Doe-Z-Goats is located right at the base of the Rocky Mountains. Here at Doe-Z-Goats we strive to improve each generation so we can have the very best combination of productivity and show-ring appeal. For the last 10 years we have been breeding and raising quality Lamancha and Nigerian Dwarf dairy goats. In order to reach our goals to the best of our ability, we take a lot of pride in keeping and maintaining a healthy and disease-free herd. We take many day-to-day preventative measures to keep a CAE-negative and CL-free herd. We show at our local county and state fairs as well as we travel around the country to attend ADGA sanctioned shows as well as the National Show each year. We thank you for your interest in our herd, please let us know if you have any questions.
-The Newman Family
Doe-Z-Goats is located right at the base of the Rocky Mountains. Here at Doe-Z-Goats we strive to improve each generation so we can have the very best combination of productivity and show-ring appeal. For the last 10 years we have been breeding and raising quality Lamancha and Nigerian Dwarf dairy goats. In order to reach our goals to the best of our ability, we take a lot of pride in keeping and maintaining a healthy and disease-free herd. We take many day-to-day preventative measures to keep a CAE-negative and CL-free herd. We show at our local county and state fairs as well as we travel around the country to attend ADGA sanctioned shows as well as the National Show each year. We thank you for your interest in our herd, please let us know if you have any questions.
-The Newman Family